MIPS Assembler v0.20
Alan Hogan’s project for CSE 230 at ASU
Source Code
Seen enough? Use Program.
* Project 3
* CSE 230 Aviral Shrivastava
* alanhogan.com/contact
* Now made available using a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
* See https://github.com/alanhogan/online-mips-assembler
* PLEASE SEE THIS FILE IN ACTION at http://alanhogan.com/asu/assembler.php
/* Notes:
* post "input" / print $output
* This program makes liberal use of Regular Expressions. If you are examining
* or editing this file, please first become familiar with regular expressions,
* (specifically, the Perl/PCRE engine).
* Essentially this program works by preparing & transforming MIPS instructions,
* which in this stage are each represented by one or more Line objects,
* as necessary and assigning them line numbers, then looping thraugh them
* again, this time outputting them and calculating any addresses
* needed for branch and jump instructions.
/* * * * * * * *
Transform pseudo branches
- Opera problems resolved. Do not use " " within textareas. See: http://www.webdesignforums.net/showthread.php?t=28727
* * * * */
$debug = "";
define('ASSEMBLER_VERSION', '0.20');
//Types of instructions
define('TYPE_UNASSIGNED', 0);
define('TYPE_COMMENT', 1);
define('TYPE_R', 2);
define('TYPE_I', 3);
define('TYPE_LA_FIRST', 3.1);
define('TYPE_LA_THIRD', 3.2);
define('TYPE_J', 4);
define('TYPE_SYSCALL', 5);
define('TYPE_LABEL', 6);
define('TYPE_INVALID', -1);
//For .data directives
define('DATATYPE_ASCIIZ', 25);
//Regex pattern for a register
define('REGEX_REGISTER', '((\$zero)|(\$[a-z][a-z0-9]))');
//Where instructions start
define('ADDRESS_START',0x00400000); //note, by default this will print integer/decimal format
//Data stored here
function mem_dechex($dec) {
return sprintf("%08x", $dec);
class Line {
public $inputLineNumber = 0;
public $originalCode = "";
public $lineType = TYPE_UNASSIGNED;
public $label = "";
public $function = "";
public $args = "";
public $memAddress = 0;
public function assemble() {
global $debug;
$output = "";
if($this->lineType == TYPE_LABEL) {
$output .= mem_dechex($this->memAddress).": <$this->label>";
} elseif($this->lineType == TYPE_R || $this->lineType == TYPE_I || $this->lineType == TYPE_J || $this->lineType == TYPE_SYSCALL || $this->lineType == TYPE_LA_FIRST || $this->lineType == TYPE_LA_THIRD) {
$output .= "\t".mem_dechex($this->memAddress).": ";
if($this->lineType == TYPE_R){
$output .= r_handler($this->function, $this->args);
if($this->lineType == TYPE_I){
$output .= i_handler($this->function, $this->args, $this->memAddress);
if($this->lineType == TYPE_J){
$output .= j_handler($this->function, $this->args, $this->memAddress);
if($this->lineType == TYPE_SYSCALL){
if($this->function == 'syscall')
if($this->lineType == TYPE_LA_FIRST){
$tempAddr = get_address_of_data(trim($this->args));
$debug .= "1[".$this->args."] Address of data: $tempAddr or ".dechex($tempAddr)."\n";
//$tempAddr = floor( (1.0*$tempAddr)/(2^16) ); //right left 16
$tempAddr = $tempAddr >> 16; //right left 16
$debug .= "1* Left sixteen bits of data: ".dechex($tempAddr)."\n";
$output.= i_hex(0x9, 0, register($this->function), $tempAddr);
if($this->lineType == TYPE_LA_THIRD){
$tempAddr = get_address_of_data(trim($this->args));
$debug .= "3[".$this->args."] Address of data: $tempAddr or ".dechex($tempAddr)."\n";
$tempAddr = (int) hexdec(substr(sprintf("%04x",$tempAddr),4,4)); //get rid of high bits
$debug .= "3* Right sixteen bits of data: $tempAddr or ".dechex($tempAddr)."\n";
$output.= i_hex(0x9, register($this->function), register($this->function), $tempAddr);
if($this->lineType == TYPE_INVALID){
if($_POST['concise_off'] || ($this->lineType != TYPE_UNASSIGNED && $this->lineType != TYPE_COMMENT))
$output .= "\t; <input:{$this->inputLineNumber}> {$this->originalCode}"."\n";
return $output;
function register($register) {
//Returns register number from name; e.g. $s1 -> 17
switch($register) {
case '$zero':
return 0; break;
case '$gp':
return 28; break;
case '$sp':
return 29; break;
case '$fp':
return 30; break;
case '$ra':
return 31; break;
case '$at':
return 1; break;
$matches = array();
if(preg_match('/^\$(?<letter>[a-z])(?<number>\d)$/i',$register,$matches)) {
if ($matches['letter'] == 'v')
return $matches['number'] + 2;
if ($matches['letter'] == 'a')
return $matches['number'] + 4;
if ($matches['letter'] == 't' && (int)$matches['number'] < 8)
return $matches['number'] + 8;
if ($matches['letter'] == 's')
return $matches['number'] + 16;
if ($matches['letter'] == 'k')
return $matches['number'] + 26;
if ($matches['letter'] == 't')
return $matches['number'] + 16;
function functionType($name) {
//Takes name of function and returns type
switch($name) {
case "add":
case "and":
case "jr":
case "nor":
case "or":
case "slt":
case "sll":
case "srl":
case "sub":
case "subu":
case "addu":
return TYPE_R; break;
case "addi":
case 'addiu':
case "andi":
case "beq":
case "bne":
case "ori":
case "lw":
case "sb":
case "sw":
return TYPE_I; break;
case "j":
case "jal":
return TYPE_J; break;
case "syscall":
return TYPE_SYSCALL; break;
function r_hex($opcode, $rs, $rt, $rd, $shamt, $funct) {
return sprintf("%08x", bindec(
substr(sprintf("%06b", $opcode),-6)
.substr(sprintf("%05b", $rs),-5)
.substr(sprintf("%05b", $rt),-5)
.substr(sprintf("%05b", $rd),-5)
.substr(sprintf("%05b", $shamt),-5)
.substr(sprintf("%06b", $funct),-6)
function i_hex($opcode, $rs, $rt, $immediate) {
return sprintf("%08x", bindec(
substr(sprintf("%06b", $opcode),-6)
.substr(sprintf("%05b", $rs),-5)
.substr(sprintf("%05b", $rt),-5)
.substr(sprintf("%016b", $immediate),-16)
function j_hex($opcode, $address) {
return sprintf("%08x", bindec(
substr(sprintf("%06b", $opcode),-6)
.substr(sprintf("%026b", $address),-26)
function r_reg_reg_reg_hex ($opcode, $args, $funct) {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/\s*(?P<rd>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s*(?P<rs>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s*(?P<rt>'.REGEX_REGISTER.')\s*/i', $args, $matches);
return r_hex($opcode, register($matches['rs']), register($matches['rt']), register($matches['rd']), 0, $funct);
function r_shift_hex ($opcode, $args, $funct) {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/\s*(?P<rd>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s*(?P<rt>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s*(?P<shamt>-?\d+)\s*/i', $args, $matches);
return r_hex($opcode, 0, register($matches['rt']), register($matches['rd']), (int)$matches['shamt'], $funct);
function r_handler($function, $args) {
switch ($function){
case 'add':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x20); break;
case 'sub':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x22); break;
case 'subu':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x23); break;
case 'and':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x24); break;
case 'nor':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x27); break;
case 'or':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x25); break;
case 'slt':
return r_reg_reg_reg_hex(0, $args, 0x2a); break;
case 'jr':
return r_hex(0, register($args), 0, 0, 0, 0x08); break;
case 'sll':
return r_shift_hex(0, $args, 0x0); break;
case 'srl':
return r_shift_hex(0, $args, 0x2); break;
return "; UNSUPPORTED R FORMAT INSTRUCTION '$function $args'";
function i_reg_reg_imm_hex($opcode, $args) {
global $debug;
$matches = array();
if(!preg_match('/\s*(?P<rt>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s+(?P<rs>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s+(?P<imm>[-]?\d+)\s*/i', $args, $matches))
$debug.="Parse error, i_reg_reg_imm_hex: opcode $opcode args $args\n";
//$debug .= "i_reg_reg... says: opcode $opcode, args $args, rs {$matches['rs']}, rt {$matches['rt']}, imm {$matches['imm']}\ni_hex ".i_hex($opcode, register($matches['rs']), register($matches['rt']), (int)$matches['imm'])."\n"; //debug
return i_hex($opcode, register($matches['rs']), register($matches['rt']), (int)$matches['imm']);
function i_memop($opcode, $args){
global $debug;
$matches = array();
if(!preg_match('/\s*(?P<rt>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s*(?P<imm>\d+)\((?P<rs>'.REGEX_REGISTER.')\)\s*/i', $args, $matches))
$debug.="Parse error, i_memop: $opcode $args\n";
return i_hex($opcode, register($matches['rs']), register($matches['rt']), (int)$matches['imm']);
function i_branch($opcode, $args, $myAddr){
global $debug;
$matches = array();
if(!preg_match('/\s*(?P<rs>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s*(?P<rt>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),?\s*(?P<label>[-_a-z0-9]+)\s*/i', $args, $matches))
$debug.="Parse error, i_branch: $opcode $args\n";
$relAddr = (get_address_from_label($matches['label']) - ($myAddr+4))/4;
if($relAddr == 0) return "; COULD NOT FIND LABEL '{$matches['label']}'";
return i_hex($opcode, register($matches['rs']), register($matches['rt']), $relAddr);
function i_handler($function, $args, $myAddr) {
switch ($function){
case 'addi':
return i_reg_reg_imm_hex(0x8, $args); break;
case 'addiu':
return i_reg_reg_imm_hex(0x9, $args); break;
case 'andi':
return i_reg_reg_imm_hex(0xc, $args); break;
case 'ori':
return i_reg_reg_imm_hex(0xd, $args); break;
case 'sw':
return i_memop(0x2b, $args); break;
case 'lw':
return i_memop(0x23, $args); break;
case 'lbu':
return i_memop(0x24, $args); break;
case 'lhu':
return i_memop(0x25, $args); break;
case 'sb':
return i_memop(0x28, $args); break;
case 'sh':
return i_memop(0x29, $args); break;
case 'beq':
return i_branch(0x4, $args, $myAddr); break;
case 'bne':
return i_branch(0x5, $args, $myAddr); break;
return "; UNSUPPORTED I FORMAT INSTRUCTION '$function $args'";
function j_handler($function, $args, $myAddr) {
global $debug;
switch ($function){
case 'j':
$opcode = 0x2; break;
case 'jal':
$opcode = 0x3; break;
return "; UNSUPPORTED J FORMAT INSTRUCTION '$function $args'";
$matches = array();
if(!preg_match('/\s*(?P<label>[-_a-z0-9]+)\s*/i', $args, $matches))
$debug.="Parse error, j_mama: $opcode $args\n";
$jAddr = get_address_from_label($matches['label'])/4;
if($jAddr == 0) return "; COULD NOT FIND LABEL '{$matches['label']}'";
return j_hex($opcode, $jAddr);
function get_address_from_label($label) {
global $debug, $lines;
foreach($lines as $lineObj) {
if($lineObj->label == $label)
return $lineObj->memAddress;
$debug .="Could not find label '$label'\n";
return 0;
/////// Functions for .asciiz, "la labelname"...
class Data {
public $data, $memAddress, $type, $label, $itemBytes;
private static $bytesUsed = 0;
public function bytesUsed() { return self::$bytesUsed; }
public static $dataAddressStart = DATA_ADDRESS_START; //todo: Is this the best way to implement this?
public static $dataItems = array();
public function __construct($type, $label, $data) { //Constants: DATATYPE_XXX, e.g. DATATYPE_ASCIIZ
$this->type = $type;
$this->label = $label;
$this->data = $data = make_string_printable($data);
switch($type) {
$this->memAddress = self::$dataAddressStart + self::$bytesUsed;
$bytes = strlen($data)+1;
while($bytes % 4) $bytes++;
self::$bytesUsed += $bytes;
$this->itemBytes = $bytes;
self::$dataItems[] = $this;
public function assemble() {
if($this->type == DATATYPE_ASCIIZ) {
$output ="; ".$this->label."\n";
for($words = 0; $words < ($this->itemBytes >> 2); $words++) {
$output .= sprintf("%08x", $this->memAddress + 4*$words).":\t";
for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
if(($i + 4*$words) >= strlen($this->data))
$output .= "00";
$output .= sprintf("%02x", ord(substr($this->data, $i+4*$words, 1)));
$output .= "\t;\t".decode_printable_string(substr($this->data, $words*4, 4)); //\t{$this->data}:
$output .= "\n";
return $output;
function get_address_of_data($label) {
global $debug;
$dataItems = Data::$dataItems;
foreach($dataItems as $dataObj) {
if($dataObj->label == $label)
return $dataObj->memAddress;
$debug .="Could not find data labeled as '$label'\n";
return 0;
//For asciiz... convert \t, \n, etc
function decode_printable_string($string) {
return str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"),
array('\n', '\t', '\r'),
function make_string_printable($string) {
return str_replace(array('\n', '\t', '\r'),
array("\n", "\t", "\r"),
//For array_walk
function trim_self(&$string) { $string = trim($string); }
/////// actual parsing ///////
if (strlen($_POST['input'])) {
//Process input!
$input = $_POST['input'];
if (function_exists("get_magic_quotes_gpc") && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$input = stripslashes($input);
//convert to arroy of lines
$inArray = explode("\n", $input);
array_walk($inArray, 'trim_self');
//// Convert to an array of Line objects //
$lines = array();
$dataItems = array();
$matches = array();
$counter = 0; //lines in input code
$memAddress = ADDRESS_START;
/////BEGIN FOREACH: Line object creation, pseudocode translation, .data handling
foreach($inArray as $line) {
$lineObj = new Line();
//Save original code & line number
$lineObj->inputLineNumber = $counter;
$lineObj->originalCode = $line;
///// replace pseudocode with real instructions
//li to addi/ori
if ( preg_match('/(?P<front>(\s*)(\w+:)?(\s*))li(\s+)(?P<dest>\$[0-9a-zA-Z]+),(\s+)(?P<imm>-?\d+)(?P<end>(#|\s)+.*)?/iu',
$line, $matches
)===1) {
$line = "{$matches['front']}"
.($_POST['li_to_ori'] ? ($matches['imm']<0 ?'addi':'ori') : 'addi')
." {$matches['dest']}, \$zero, {$matches['imm']}{$matches['end']}";
if($_POST['li_to_ori'] && $matches['imm'] < 0) {
$debug .= "Warning: Converting 'li' to 'ori' in this case would not have the "
."desired effect. The immediate"
." value is negative, but resulting register value will be incorrect"
." due to different bit string lengths and the fact 'ori' does not "
."sign-extend. We will use 'addi' instead."
." Line: ".$lineObj->inputLineNumber.", immediate value: {$matches['imm']}\n";
//move to add
if ( preg_match('/(?P<front>(\s*)(\w+:)?(\s*))move(\s+)(?P<dest>\$[0-9a-zA-Z]+),\s*(?P<src>\$[0-9a-zA-Z]+)(?P<end>(#|\s)+.*)?/iu',
$line, $matches
)===1) {
$line = "{$matches['front']}add {$matches['dest']}, \$zero, {$matches['src']}{$matches['end']}";
//Todo: Branches
//Determine what kind of a line it is
if(preg_match('/^\s*((?P<label>[-_a-z0-9]+):\s*)?(?P<instruction>(?P<function>[a-z]+)(?P<args>\s+([-_\$a-z0-9, \t]*)(?P<address>\d+\('.REGEX_REGISTER.'\))?\s*)?)?(?P<comment>\s*#.*)?\s*$/i', $line, $matches
)) {
if(array_key_exists('label',$matches) && strlen($matches['label'])) {
if(array_key_exists('function',$matches) && strlen($matches['function'])) {
//Label and instruction
$tempObj = new Line();
$tempObj->label = $matches['label'];
$tempObj->inputLineNumber = $lineObj->inputLineNumber;
$tempObj->originalCode = $lineObj->originalCode;
$tempObj->memAddress = $lineObj->memAddress = $memAddress;
$tempObj->lineType = TYPE_LABEL;
$lines[] = $tempObj;
} else {
//Just a label
$lineObj->label = $matches['label'];
$lineObj->memAddress = $memAddress;
$lineObj->lineType = TYPE_LABEL;
if(array_key_exists('function',$matches) && strlen($matches['function'])) {
$lineObj->memAddress = $memAddress;
$lineObj->function = $matches['function'];
$lineObj->lineType = functionType($matches['function']);
if ($_POST['debug_on'])
$debug .="\$lineObj->lineType: {$lineObj->lineType} ($line)\n";
if(array_key_exists('args',$matches) && strlen($matches['args'])) {
$lineObj->args = trim($matches['args']);
//Corrections for la.
//Essentially turn into three instructions: for
// la $t0 dataname
//it becomes:
// addiu $t0, $zero, [hi 16 bits of data addr]
// sll $t0, $t0, 16
// addiu $t0, $t0, [low 16 bits of addr]
if(preg_match('/^\s*((?P<label>[-_a-z0-9]+):\s*)?(?P<instruction>(?P<function>la)(?P<args>\s+(?P<register>'.REGEX_REGISTER.'),\s+(?P<datalabel>[-_a-z0-9]+)))(?P<comment>\s*#.*)?\s*$/i', $line, $tmatches
$tempObj = new Line();
$secondObj = new Line();
//$tempObj->label = $matches['label'];
$tempObj->inputLineNumber = $secondObj->inputLineNumber = $lineObj->inputLineNumber;
$tempObj->originalCode = $secondObj->originalCode = $lineObj->originalCode;
$tempObj->memAddress = $memAddress;
$secondObj->memAddress = $memAddress+4;
$lineObj->memAddress = $memAddress+8;
$memAddress += 8;
$tempObj->lineType = TYPE_LA_FIRST;
$tempObj->function = trim($tmatches['register']); //NOTE: Not standard!!
$tempObj->args = trim($tmatches['datalabel']);
$secondObj->lineType = TYPE_R;
$secondObj->function = 'sll';
$secondObj->args = $tmatches['register'].", ".$tmatches['register'].", 16";
$lineObj->lineType = TYPE_LA_THIRD;
$lineObj->function = trim($tmatches['register']); //NOTE: Not standard!!
$lineObj->args = trim($tmatches['datalabel']);
$lines[] = $tempObj;
$lines[] = $secondObj;
elseif(preg_match('/^\s*\.[a-z]+(\s+[-_a-z0-9]+)?\s*$/i', $line, $matches)) { //failed preg_match for functions... type?
elseif(preg_match('/^\s*((?P<label>[-_a-z0-9]+):\s*)(?<type>\.asciiz\s+)"(?P<data>[^"]+)"\s*$/i', $line, $matches)) { //failed preg_match for functions & type... data?
$lineObj->lineType = DATATYPE_ASCIIZ;
$dataItems[] = new Data(DATATYPE_ASCIIZ, $matches['label'], $matches['data']);
continue; //todo: f'real?
else { //failed preg_match
$lineObj->lineType = TYPE_INVALID;
if($lineObj->lineType == TYPE_R || $lineObj->lineType == TYPE_I || $lineObj->lineType == TYPE_LA_THIRD || $lineObj->lineType == TYPE_J || $lineObj->lineType == TYPE_SYSCALL) {
$lines[] = $lineObj;
$counter++; //todo: check
}//foreach $inArray as $line
//Loop thru and print each Line, appropriately calculating
//addresses for jump thru getLineNumber() function
$output = "";
foreach($lines as $line2)
$output .= $line2->assemble(); //they have their own newlines
//Now data
if(count(Data::$dataItems)) {
$output .= ";\n;\tDATA IN MEMORY \n";
foreach(Data::$dataItems as $dataItem) {
$output.= $dataItem->assemble();
/*Compact form; same code. For "Pan ribbon" */
if(!function_exists('get_ancestral_directory_called')){function get_ancestral_directory_called($dirName,$descendent='.'){
$folder=explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($descendent));$path = '';for($i=0;isset($folder[$i]);$i++)
{$path.=$folder[$i];$path.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;if( $folder[$i] == $dirName )break;}return $path;}}
//ASU Include (ASU/School theme)
require_once get_ancestral_directory_called('asu').'asuinclude.php';
print asuinclude_top();
<title>Online MIPS assembler | Alan J. Hogan</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mips.css" />
print asuinclude_headToContentTitle('<strong>MIPS Assembler</strong> '
.'<span style="font-weight: normal">v'.ASSEMBLER_VERSION.'</span>',
'Alan Hogan’s project for CSE 230 at ASU');
if (!array_key_exists('source', $_GET)) {
<?php if(strlen(trim($debug))) { ?>
<div class="debugInfo"><?php print nl2br(htmlentities($debug)); ?></div>
if (strlen($output)) {
print '<h3>Assembler Output</h3><div class="code">'.nl2br(htmlentities($output)).'</div>'
.'<p>You may want to paste the assembler output, above, into <a href="simulator.php">MIPhpS,
the online MIPS simulator</a>. MIPhpS is the sister project to this assembler.</p>';
<h3>MIPS input</h3>
<p>Please enter MIPS code below to see the assembler output. A subset of MIPS is implemented. (Only guaranteed to work with the Ackermann function: <?php print '<a href="'.$_ENV['SCRIPT_URL'].'" title="Reset to Ackermann function">Reset</a>'; ?>.) Comments should start with #. Or,
view <?php print '<a href="'.$_ENV['SCRIPT_URL'].'?source" title="View source code for this page">source code</a>'; ?> (now also <a href="https://github.com/alanhogan/online-mips-assembler">on Github</a>). See also: <a href="simulator.php">MIPhpS,
the online MIPS simulator</a>.</p>
<?php print '<form action="'.$_ENV['SCRIPT_URL'].'" method="post">'; ?>
<textarea name="input" id="mips_input" style="width: 99.8%; height: 39em;"><?php
print (
(strlen($input) > 1)
? str_replace(array(/*' ',*/"\t"), array(/*' ',*/' '),
: str_replace(array(/*' ',*/"\t"), array(/*' ',*/' '),
# Ackermann\'s function implementation using MIPS assembly
# C interface:
# int AckermannFunc (int m,int n)
.globl AckermannFunc
# Preconditions:
# 1st parameter ($a0) m
# 2nd parameter ($a1) n
# Postconditions:
# result in ($v0) = value of A(m,n)
# we are going to use $s0 as a temporary registers to store m sometimes
# make space on stack
addi $sp, $sp, -8
# preserve registers used by this function
sw $s0, 4($sp)
# preserve return address
sw $ra, 0($sp)
# move the parameter registers to temporary - no, only when nec.
LABEL_IF: # check whether m==0
# if not then branch to LABEL_ELSE_IF
bne $a0, $zero, LABEL_ELSE_IF
# code for "result = n+1"
addi $v0, $a1, 1
# jump to LABEL_DONE
# check whether n==0
#if not then branch to LABEL_ELSE
bne $a1, $zero, LABEL_ELSE
# need to call A(m-1,1)
# so initiate $a0,$a1 with m-1 and 1
addi $a0, $a0, -1
addi $a1, $zero, 1
# call AckermannFunc
jal AckermannFunc
# Return value already in $v0
# jump to LABEL_DONE
LABEL_ELSE: # This block may be a bit tricky !
# Save "m" to preserve it for the second ackermann call
add $s0, $a0, $zero
# call to acker(m, (n - 1))
addi $a1, $a1, -1
jal AckermannFunc
# return value will be used very soon!
# call to acker(m-1, acker(m, (n - 1)))
# Take the "m" we saved and decrement it to be the new "m-1" :)
addi $a0, $s0, -1
add $a1, $v0, $zero
jal AckermannFunc
# jump to LABEL_DONE
# ALREADY loaded the return value register $v0 with result.
# restore registers used by this function
lw $s0, 4($sp)
# restore return address
lw $ra, 0($sp)
# restore stack pointer
addi $sp, $sp, 8
# return from this function
jr $ra
.globl Print
# print: Print a message.
# Preconditions:
# 1st parameter (a0) m
# 2nd parameter (a1) n
# 3rd parameter (a2) value
# Postconditions:
# Prints the "Ackermann(m,n)=value" on the screen.
addi $sp, $sp, -4 # make space on stack
sw $a0, 0($sp) # preserve first parameter m;
la $a0, msg1 # load address of msg1
li $v0, 4 # load the "print string" syscall number
lw $a0, 0($sp) # load first parameter = m
li $v0, 1 # load the "print integer" syscall number
la $a0, comma # load address of comma
li $v0, 4 # load the "print string" syscall number
move $a0,$a1 # load second parameter = n
li $v0, 1 # load the "print integer" syscall number
la $a0, msg2 # load address of msg2
li $v0, 4 # load the "print string" syscall number
move $a0, $a2 # load third parameter = value
li $v0, 1 # load the "print integer" syscall number
la $a0, endl # load address of endl
li $v0, 4 # load the "print string" syscall number
lw $a0, 0($sp) # restore first parameter
addi $sp, $sp, 4 # restore stack pointer
jr $ra # return
.globl main
# main: Test the towers function.
addi $sp, $sp, -16 # make space on stack.
sw $ra, 0($sp) # preserve return address.
sw $s0, 4($sp) # preserve registers s0 through s2
sw $s1, 8($sp) # as we may clobber it in main
sw $s2, 12($sp)
la $a0, prompt_m # first parameter = prompt
li $v0, 4 # load the "print string" syscall number
li $v0, 5 # load the "read integer" syscall number
move $s0, $v0 # m = s0 = value returned in v0
la $a0, prompt_n # second parameter = prompt
li $v0, 4 # load the "print string" syscall number
li $v0, 5 # load the "read integer" syscall number
move $s1, $v0 # n = s1 = value returned in v0
# Ackermann parameter setup
move $a0, $s0 # first parameter = m
move $a1, $s1 # second parameter = n
jal AckermannFunc
move $s2, $v0 # Ackermann value = s2 = value returned
# Print parameter setup
move $a0, $s0 # first parameter = m
move $a1, $s1 # second parameter = n
move $a2, $s2 #
jal Print
li $v0, 0 # return value for main
lw $ra, 0($sp) # restore return address
lw $s0, 4($sp) # restore registers s0 through s3
lw $s1, 8($sp) # before exiting main
lw $s2, 12($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 16 # restore stack pointer
jr $ra # return to Operating System
prompt_m: .asciiz "m="
prompt_n: .asciiz "n="
msg1: .asciiz "Ackermann("
msg2: .asciiz ")="
comma: .asciiz ","
endl: .asciiz "\n"
); //ternary / print
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="concise_off" <?php print ($_POST['concise_off'] ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''); ?> id="checkco" />
<label for="checkco">Show blank lines in output (ignored by default)</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="debug_on" <?php print ($_POST['debug_on'] ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''); ?> id="checkdb" />
<label for="checkdb">Verbose/debug mode</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="li_to_ori" <?php print ($_POST['li_to_ori'] ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''); ?> id="check_ori" />
<label for="check_ori">Use <code>ori</code> (not <code>addi</code>) for <code>li</code></label>
<br />
<input type="submit" name="assemble" value="Assemble" />
} else {
<h3>Source Code</h3>
<p>Seen enough? <?php print '<a href="'.$_ENV['SCRIPT_URL'].'" title="Reset to usable mode">Use Program</a>'; ?>.</p>
print '<div style="border: 1px solid black; color: black; font-family: monaco, \'Lucida Console\', monospace; background: #eee none; padding: .6em; font-size: 105%;">'.highlight_file(__FILE__,true).'</div>';
print asuinclude_finished();