OS X stable on Intel

When I first got my Intel-powered (x86) MacBook Pro, system crashes were, unfortunately, more common than on my Windows XP machine. That is, twice a week. I was pretty disappointed and felt lied to by all those who had said Apple computers crash less.

However, no one lied. That was just temporary, apparently due to the jump to a different architecture. Within a few weeks, Apple put out patches for OS X which fixed the glitches causing my laptop to crash. I haven't had a crash in at least a month now, and that's certainly respectable.

So if I talked to you when I first got my MacBook Pro, I take it back. It doesn't crash much and is a joy to work on.

October 2nd, 2006. (Updated: November 28, 2007 at 3:01am.)
Alan Hogan (@alanhogan_com).  Contact · About