Site redesign imminent
I just wanted to say that, as of December 2007, I am beginning in earnest the process of giving this site the rehaul it so badly needs. The content here is only a part of what I offer online, and soon, my homepage will provide access to much more.
I know most of you visitors come here from Googling specific problems, which is great, but I'd also like to easily answer your question, “Who are you? What does your site have for me?” To do that, I am going to have a clean and simple home page which categorizes all my content so you can quickly and easily see what may interest you, and I will add a navigation ribbon at the very top of all my content providing quick access to those categories.
The majority of important updates to should arrive by January 8, 2008.
When I finish the important site restructuring, I will get back to work on that sexy little project I call Darkboom – work which is also very much overdue. But hey, I’ve been hard at work in school.